Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ten Secrets to Small Business Success - Sell While You Are Hot

The sooner you learn that you are a salesman, the sooner you will be successful. While there are many secrets to small business success, learning about sales ranks as one of the most important. If you own a business, you are in sales.

My first sales job included a lot of telephone selling. My sales manager taught me that you should never let go of the receiver on the phone after making a sale. What he was telling me was that if I didn't hang up the phone it would be impossible for me not to make another call. "Just keep dialing and you'll keep selling" he said. In this way he ensured that I would make another call right after making a sale.

The best time to make a sale is right after you've made one. You should sell when you are hot. And there's no time hotter for a salesman than the moment right after a sale has been made. You are excited and enthused immediately following a sale. Everyone loves the feeling of having been successful in an endeavor. It is no different when selling. A customer says yes and you know that you have performed your task well. When you successfully help a customer purchase your products or services, you have helped him, your company, and you. Of course you're hot!

And best of all, you've heard it first hand from a customer that what you are selling has value to your target customers and they are willing to pay for the product or service. You've been endorsed. With such an endorsement you should take advantage of the good feelings the client is experiencing as well. For example, let's say you've just sold Jane some widgets. Here are the three things you should do immediately following the sale:

1. Ask Jane for two or three people she knows who would like to enjoy the benefits of your product or service immediately after the deal is closed. This is when Jane is most likely to give you referrals.

2. Ask Jane which of the referrals she would call first. Notice that you are asking her to call the referral for you in a way that is non-threatening.

3. Ask Jane if she will call the referral she said she would call first. Tell her that you will make contact with the other referrals on her behalf. This way she knows that you are only asking for one phone call. Ask her to let her referral know that you will be calling for an appointment. It's that simple.

Selling while your hot can mean different things. Whether asking for referrals or making the next call, take advantage of the good feelings you are experiencing and you will be sure to repeat your success again and again. Sadly, most people will stop the world and bask in the glory of a victorious moment and lose all momentum. Don't let this be you. Sell while you're hot!

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Glen Gould is a business growth and networking expert who works with Fortune 100 companies and chambers of commerce to grow their business through effective systems and word of mouth marketing. He is a sought-after speaker and trainer and the author of numerous audio programs and books including Meet Me At Starbucks. The founder of Inspiration Agents, Inc., Glen is a regular contributor to numerous publications including The National Networker and co-hosts The Natural Networker Radio Show.

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