Thursday, January 8, 2009

Will Your Small Business Do Or Die During the Hard Times?

The economy has gone down, and most small business owners feel it on one level or another. Many are losing clients, many are not getting new ones and others are already thinking about shutting their doors. At the same time there are a lot of business owners that are quite content with the situation, they are not thrilled but they are content because they know once it all blows over many of their competitors will be gone. The question you are probably asking right now is who those business owners are and why are they content with the situation?

The business owners that are doing well right now and are just sitting looking forward to the big boom when their competitors are gone are the ones that are marketing and supporting their brand recognition. The companies that are content right now are the ones looking for new ways to advertise, either with guerrilla marketing or using traditional methods. One thing you have to realize as a business owner is that you don´t always do marketing to grow, in times like these you do marketing to survive and to make sure you are around when other go under. By doing this, you should by default grow your business based on the fact that many of your competitors will be going away.

Marketing on a minimal budget is all you need during times like these. Since many companies are not marketing right now, you don´t need a lot to get a high return. Remember that most small businesses do the mistake of stopping their marketing and advertising efforts during times like these, so now is the time where your marketing will stand out! The key is to focus locally and to do mixed media campaigns. The internet is changing the way people market on a shoestring budget. By investing in a great website you can actually cut your advertising costs, if the website is setup to support all your other marketing and to take advantage of other media. The internet and a great website is a key component is doing great marketing things with a minimal cost.

The best thing you can do as a business owner during times like these is to come up with a complete campaign. A combination of internet, print and if you can afford to do so, then add radio. Working with an experienced marketing company can often end up saving you a lot of money and making sure that you are getting the most of out of the money you have to market with. Remember that many of these companies have discounts with providers that are so high, that they almost pay for themselves. If you are not willing to use a marketing company and are looking to do things yourself, then I suggest you find a way to do a mixed media campaign that keeps working even after you stop spending money on advertising. Many of our clients do a mixed media, and then focus solely online since the internet allows them to do a lot of marketing with no cost when it is done right.

Whatever business you are in, no matter what your situation is right now. Then just remember, the marketing person (be it your or someone in your company) is probably going to be the savior of your business during the tough months. Make sure that your marketing budget is the last one you cut, because that budget may in fact be the lifeline of the business.

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